Home | Scrabble Champions

- 1985 -

World Champions

Michel Duguet
France Michel Duguet

Champions listed by countries

      French, in duplicate       English, in classic       Spanish, in classic
Belgium Eddy Clauwaert
United Kingdom Esther Byers
France Michel Duguet
Australia New Zealand Lynne Butler
Switzerland Thierry Hepp
United States Ron Tiekert
Tunisia Abderrazak Ouarda
New Zealand Mike Sigley
Quebec Mario Buteau
Malta Godfrey Magri Demajo
Democratic republic of the Congo Albert Botoko
Scotland Gino Corr
Senegal Fayçal Assad
Thailand Arun Methaset

- 1985 -

*To see the name of the country, place your cursor on the flag.       

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